POG, Neo Pokémon Gold and Silver, (#B4 James), France, 2001
Panini, Laser Waps, (Magma), France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 2003
Panini, Laser Waps, (Pikachu), France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 2003
Panini, Waps, (Silcoon), France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 2003
Panini, Waps, (Smalot), France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 2003
Panini, Waps, (Wailmer), France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 2003
Tazo (Walkers), Pogtainer, United Kingdom, 2001
Tazo (Walkers), Pogtainer, United Kingdom, 2001
Tazo 2, Pogtainer, Latvia, 2001
Tazo 3, Pogtainer, Latvia, 2001
Tazo 4, Pogtainer, Latvia, 2002
Tazo 6 (With Sticker), (#133 Eevee, #155 Cyndaquil), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (With Sticker), (#212 Scizor, #154 Meganium), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (With Sticker), (#33 Nidorino, #79 Slowpoke), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (With Sticker), (#63 Abra, #22 Fearow), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (With Sticker), (#93 Haunter, #102 Exeggcute), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#01 Bulbasaur, #74 Geodude), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#10 Caterpie, #43 Oddish), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#103 Exeggutor, #05 Charmeleon), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#12 Butterfree, #44 Gloom), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#136 Flareon, #08 Wartortle), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#144 Articuno, #157 Typhlosion), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#15 Beedrill, #06 Charizard), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#154 Meganium, #212 Scizor), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#155 Cyndaquil, #133 Eevee), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#156 Quilava, #12 Butterfree), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#156 Quilava, #182 Bellossom), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#157 Typhlosion, #128 Tauros), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#159 Croconaw, #234 Stantler), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#160 Feraligatr (Feraligtr – Error), #95 Onix), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#160 Feraligatr, #76 Golem), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#18 Pidgeot, #160 Feraligatr), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#183 Marill, #80 Slowbro), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#20 Raticate, #152 Chikorita), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#63 Abra, #22 Fearow), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#65 Alakazam, #107 Hitmonchan), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#66 Machop, #20 Raticate), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#67 Machoke, #52 Meowth), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#68 Machamp, #153 Bayleef), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#68 Machamp, #39 Jigglypuff), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#70 Weepinbell, #11 Metapod), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#75 Graveler, #159 Croconaw), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#76 Golem, #78 Rapidash), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#79 Slowpoke, #33 Nidorino), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#80 Slowbro, #98 Krabby), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#92 Gastly, #96 Drowzee), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#93 Haunter, #102 Exeggcute), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#93 Haunter, #121 Starmie), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6 (Without Sticker), (#97 Hypno, #12 Butterfree), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 6, Pogtainer, Latvia, 2002
Tazo, Pogtainer, Latvia, 2001
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#01 Bulbasaur, #74 Geodude), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#05 Charmeleon, #47 Parasect), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#10 Caterpie, #43 Oddish), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#103 Exeggutor, #05 Charmeleon), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#12 Butterfree, #44 Gloom), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#136 Flareon, #08 Wartortle), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#144 Articuno, #157 Typhlosion), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#15 Beedrill, #06 Charizard), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#151 Mew, #150 Mewtwo), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#154 Meganium, #212 Scizor), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#154 Meganium, #26 Raichu), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#155 Cyndaquil, #133 Eevee), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#156 Quilava, #12 Butterfree), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#156 Quilava, #182 Bellossom), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#157 Typhlosion, #128 Tauros), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#159 Croconaw, #234 Stantler), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#160 Feraligatr (Feraligtr – Error), #95 Onix), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#160 Feraligatr, #76 Golem), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#18 Pidgeot, #160 Feraligatr), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#183 Marill, #80 Slowbro), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#199 Slowking, #113 Chansey), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#20 Raticate, #152 Chikorita), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#24 Arbok, #153 Bayleef), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#63 Abra, #22 Fearow), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#65 Alakazam, #107 Hitmonchan), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#66 Machop, #20 Raticate), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#67 Machoke, #52 Meowth), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#68 Machamp, #153 Bayleef), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#68 Machamp, #39 Jigglypuff), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#70 Weepinbell, #11 Metapod), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#70 Weepinbell, #64 Kadabra), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#75 Graveler, #159 Croconaw), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#76 Golem, #78 Rapidash), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#79 Slowpoke, #33 Nidorino), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#80 Slowbro, #98 Krabby), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#84 Doduo, #199 Slowking), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#92 Gastly, #96 Drowzee), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#93 Haunter, #102 Exeggcute), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#93 Haunter, #121 Starmie), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Tazos League 2 (Without Sticker), (#97 Hypno, #12 Butterfree), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2002
Flippo, #1 (Ash/Sacha), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Flippo, Flippo Evolutions, Powerplay Flippo, Slammer Flippo, Collectors Album, Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
POG, Neo Pokémon Gold and Silver, Packaging, France, 2001
Sticker Tazos (With Sticker), #1 (#204 Pineco), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2001
Sticker Tazos (Without Sticker), #1 (#205 Forretress), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2001
Surprise Pokémon Flippo (With Sticker), #1 (#19 Rattata), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Surprise Pokémon Flippo (Without Sticker), #1 (#20 Raticate/Rattatac), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Surprise Pokémon Flippo Collector, Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Tazo (Cheetos, Walkers), #1 (#01 Bulbasaur), United Kingdom, 2000
Tazo (Walkers), #1 (Ash), United Kingdom, 2001
Tazo 3 Master, #49 (Misty), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2001
Tazo 3, #1 (#10 Caterpie, #11 Metapod, #12 Butterfree), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2001
Tazo 4 (With Sticker), #1 (Unknown), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 4 (Without Sticker), #1 (#154 Meganium), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo 5, #1 (#158 Totodile), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2002
Tazo, #1 (#01 Bulbasaur), Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, 2001
Tazo, #1 (#01 Bulbasaur), Portugal, Spain, 1999
Tazo, #1 (Unknown), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 1999
Trio, #1 (#10 Caterpie, #11 Metapod, #12 Butterfree), Hungary, 2001
Trio, Pogtainer, Hungary, 2001
Világító Tazo, #1 (#152 Chikorita), Hungary, 2001
Flippo, #2 (#25 Pikachu, #26 Raichu), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
POG, Neo Pokémon Gold and Silver, Brochure, France, 2001
Sticker Tazos (With Sticker), #2 (#123 Scyther), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2001
Sticker Tazos (Without Sticker), #2 (#212 Scizor), Greece, Portugal, Spain, 2001
Surprise Pokémon Flippo (With Sticker), #2 (#84 Doduo), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Surprise Pokémon Flippo (Without Sticker), #2 (#85 Dodrio), Belgium, Netherlands, 2001
Tazo (Cheetos, Walkers), #2 (Unknown), United Kingdom, 2000
Tazo (Walkers), #2 (#25 Pikachu, #26 Raichu), United Kingdom, 2001